A more recent publication of this set of statistics is available: Rehabilitation

18,500 rehabilitees within the earnings-related pension system

In 2019, nearly 18,500 persons (or 1% of the workforce) received rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system. In 2019, roughly 20,300 persons retired on a disability pension.

The typical rehabilitee within the earnings-related pension system was 47 years old and suffered from a musculoskeletal disease. The rehabilitation was usually carried out in the form of a work try-out either for the current or a new employer.

In 2019, the total expenses for rehabilitation under the earnings-related pension system was 174 million euros. The income compensation accounted for 152 million euros and the service expenses for 22 million euros. An average of 2,700 euros per month was paid as income compensation during rehabilitation.

In 2019, a total of 7,900 persons completed their rehabilitation. Of the rehabilitees, more than 70 per cent returned to work or continued studying. Only 5 per cent retired on a full disability pension. The rehabilitation is considered successful if the rehabilitee finds work or continues to study and retirement on a disability pension is prevented.

Statistical tables and figures:

What is rehabilitation under the earnings-related pension scheme?

The rehabilitation under the Finnish earnings-related pension acts is vocational and individual and intended for persons of working age. The earnings-related pension insurers arrange and finance the rehabilitation. The purpose of the rehabilitation is to prevent that the individual retires early on a disability pension and to ensure that workers stay in the workforce for as long as possible, despite illnesses, handicaps or injuries.

Measures of the rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system include guidance, investigations, work try-outs, work training, education, subsidies for starting or carrying on a business and various tools to make working easier.

Income compensation is paid during the rehabilitation period.

Who is the rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system intended for?

The rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system is intended for wage earners and self-employed persons who face the threat of retirement on a disability pension unless they take part in rehabilitation. An applicant for rehabilitation is required to be below their old-age retirement age, have a stabilised working life and a certain income level. In addition, the disease of the applicant must be such that it poses a threat of disability in the near future.

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