Contact Information

Contact our experts for more information on statistics. Our e-mail addresses are in the form firstname.lastname(at)

Our statistics service offers information and guidance in the use of our statistics.

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Tiina Palotie-Heino

Statistics Manager, Head of Unit

Phone +358 29 411 2147

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Jari Kannisto

Development Manager


Phone +358 29 411 2232

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Tuula Kyyrä

Statistics Researcher

Statistical database and access to research register data

Phone +358 29 411 2170

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Jukka Lampi

Statistics Researcher

Statistical expert

Phone +358 29 411 2483

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Heidi Nyman

Statistics Planner

Statistical expert

Phone +358 29 411 2139

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Leena Saarnio

Statistics Planner

Rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system

Phone +358 29 411 2120

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