Central time series in our statistical database

Our statistical database offers time series of the statistics we produce here at the Finnish Centre for Pensions. The time series are longer than in the corresponding statistical publications and include, in part, more detailed information (for example, specifications per earnings-related pension acts).

The database allows for a flexible further use of the data. You can pick any section of a statistical table or draw a graph and transfer it via your desktop to other applications.

The database is published in three languages: English, Finnish and Swedish.

To the service:

Updates to the statistical database

The statistical database is updated when the statistics are released. The release calendar is published on our website. It includes the statistical releases of the ongoing year and their planned release dates.

As a rule, the statistics in the database are final annual statistics. Preliminary data is released mainly in the statistics of the earnings-related pension financing of the ongoing year. The data content is continuously updated and expanded.

Read more:

On the use of the statistical database

When you use data from our statistical database, name the Finnish Centre for Pensions as the source.

Creative Commons licence The statistical database of the Finnish Centre for Pensions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

The database works best with other browsers than Internet Explorer.

For the time being, the database does not offer statistics via an open interface (PX-Web API).

This is staging