Our strategic focal points 2017-2020

  • Implementing, monitoring and assessing the 2017 pension reform
  • Making pensions more familiar to the public through communication
  • Supporting the common goals and decision-making of the earnings-related pension field to ensure an efficient implementation.
  • Developing our services and the services of the pension industry as part of a digitalized society.

Up-to-date pension advice, services that deliver

Our vision

The earnings-related pension system is a central part of our welfare society. People trust in it. It is financially sustainable, promotes a stable economy and is efficiently enforced.

We support the decision-making process and function as part of the earnings-related pension scheme in the implementation of the vision. We produce high-quality and extensively applicable expertise for the evaluation and development of pensions. We provide prime services for our customers and make sure that earnings-related pensions function as a whole.

Our values

Courageously into the future, heeding our customers and furthering our competence.

Our strategic aims

  • Public debate and decision-making relating to pension provision is based on reliable and up-to-date expertise.
  • People are familiar with earnings-related pensions and their significance for the individual and society.
  • Efficient implementation of pensions.
  • High-quality, easily accessible and easy-to-use services that meet the needs of our customers.
  • Efficient procedures, tools and facilities.
  • Correctly sized, skilled, motivated and healthy personnel.

Our services and customers

We produce services that related to and support the implementation, assessment and development of pensions.

Our customers and interest groups can be divided into two groups based on whether the services they use relate to the implementation or the assessment and evaluation of pensions. In practice, the division is not this clear-cut as some of our customers need both types of services.

This is staging