Number of earnings-related pension recipients

Table in Excel
Data of table in statistical database
Graph application: Number of earnings-related pension recipients and average monthly earnings-related pension

Average earnings-related pension, €/month

Table in Excel
Data of table in statistical database
Graph application: Number of earnings-related pension recipients and average monthly earnings-related pension

Monthly earnings-related pension expenditure, €1,000

Table in Excel
Data of table in statistical database
Graph application: Monthly earnings-related pension expenditure

Number of new retirees on an earnings-related pension

Table in Excel
Data of table in statistical database
Graph application: Number of new retirees on an earnings-related pension and average monthly earnings-related pension

New retirees’ average earnings-related pension, €/month

Table in Excel
Data of table in statistical database
Graph application: Number of new retirees on an earnings-related pension and average monthly earnings-related pension


Concepts and definitions

Earnings-related pension recipient

A person who receives an earnings-related pension or survivors’ pension based on their own work history at the end of the statistical month. Pensions received in one’s own right include the old-age pension, the partial old age pension, the disability pension, the special farmer’s pension and the part-time pension.

Recipients who receive a survivors’ pension of 0 euros are excluded from the statistics.

New retiree

New retirees are persons whose pension based on their own working life (old-age, disability or special farmer’s pension) has begun during the statistical period.

Persons who have started to draw a partial old-age pension are not considered new retirees. If the level of the partial old-age pension changes during the statistical period, the person has been included in the data of both 25% and 50% pensions.

The monthly statistics of new retirees are preliminary figures.

Average pension

The average earnings-related pension includes the average euro amount of pensions based on one’s working life that were in payment at the end of the month. “All pension benefits” include survivors’ pensions.

The statistics of the average pension of new retirees are preliminary figures.

Monthly earnings-related pension expenditure

All earnings-related pensions in payment at the end of the month. Pensions paid as lump-sums are not included in the earnings-related pension expenditure.



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