For a well functioning pension system
News and press releases
Pension for child care to one million Finns
A1 certificates transferred electronically between EU countries
Retirement intentions accurately predict retirement
One in ten young men in danger of poor labour market attachment
Statistics on accrued pensions now included in the pension calculator
On pensions elsewhere
Ruotsin eläkeotteet lähetetään jälleen tammi-helmikuussa 2025
Vastaa käyttäjäkyselyyn ja vaikuta palvelun kehittämiseen
Eläkkeiden muutoksissa on nyt ratkaisun hetket
Yhden eläkereitin suosio voi kasvaa - tämä on yleisin syy hakemusten hylkäämiseen
ETK:n entinen toimitusjohtaja Rantala selvittämään yrittäjien eläkkeiden muuttamista
Brexit affects our services
The withdrawal agreement includes a transition period until the end of 2020. Until then, EU’s current regulations will prevail.
Continuing under current EU regulations means, among other things, that a worker posted to Britain can be issued an A1 certificate. Earnings-related pensions are also paid to Britain as usual, and pensions earned in Britain are paid to Finland under EU regulations.