As of 1996, the pensions of persons who have turned 65 have been adjusted according to the pensioner’s index. The index was renamed at the beginning of 2005 to the earnings-related pension index. The table compares the change in the earnings-related pension index in 1995–2017 to the development of certain other indices:

Nominal increase, %Real-term increase, %
Earnings-level index 93.2 39.4
Index of negotiated wages 58.7 14.5
Earnings-related pension index 48.0   6.8
Full national pension 48.0  6.8
Consumer price index 38.6    –

The earnings-related pension index has risen nominally by 48.0 per cent and in real terms by 6.8 per cent  during the reference period.

Thus, the real value of a pension adjusted with the earnings-related pension index has increased, while its relative purchasing power in relation to that of wage-earners has decreased. If the pension in 1995 corresponded to 60 per cent of the average income for wage earners, the proportion was 46.0 per cent in 2017.

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