Pensions from Abroad

The Finnish Centre for Pensions acts as the liaison body when a person residing in Finland claims a pension from an EU/EEA country, Great Britain, Switzerland or a social security agreement country (Australia, Canada, Chile, India, Israel, Quebeck, South Korea and the United States).

We are in charge of handling claims for a pension from abroad and participate in the related exchange of information between the foreign and Finnish pension providers and Kela. We transmit the pension claim and other data required for a pension decision to the EU/EEA countries and social security countries (as well as to Great Britain and Switzerland) that the claimant has been insured in and from which they claim a pension.

Instructions on claiming a pension from abroad

Claim a pension from abroad with the same form as you claim a pension from Finland. You can submit your claim online via the website of most earnings-related pension providers. Go to Työelä for more detailed instructions on how to claim a pension from abroad.

Go to Työelä


See our replies to frequently asked questions about pensions from abroad.



Britain’s separation from the EU came into force on 2 February 2020. Under the Withdrawal Agreement, the transition period lasts until the end of the year. During this period current EU regulations apply and the future relations between the EU and Britain are discussed.

This means, among other things, that earnings-related pension are paid as usual from Finland to Britain and pension accrued in Britain is paid to Finland under EU regulations.

Preparing for Brexit

Retirement ages in different countries

In EU countries, the most common retirement age is 65 years. The retirement age will rise in Denmark, France, Germany and Spain from 65 to 67 years. In Britain and Ireland, the retirement age is targeted at 68 years.

Retirement ages

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