Financing of Pensions
In Finland, earnings-related pensions are financed according to the pay-as-you-go (PAYG) principle and the partial funding principle. For the main part, the pensions paid out in a given year are financed with the pension contributions paid that year. The remaining part is financed with the investment return of the funded pension components.

Examine the earnings-related pension money flows in the visualisation
The pension assets of the earnings-related pension system increased by 21.8 billion in 2019, standing at 218.0 billion euros at the end of the year. Due to the good investment markets, the return on investments was 23.9 billion euros. Pensions to the amount of 29.0 billion euros were paid out while the collected pension contributions were 23.1 billion euros.
The pension assets include all assets meant to cover the earnings-related pension insurance obligations. Most of the pension assets are in the form of investment capital, which amounted to 216.3 billion euros at year-end.
The Finnish Centre for Pensions produces time series from the financial statements of the pension providers. The pension providers deliver also figures to the cost division. The financing of pension tables are published yearly in The Finnish Centre for Pensions statistical database.
Assets and cash flows
The cash flows tables present the financing system of the earnings-related pension scheme from 2007. Tables consist figures of pension assets, insurance contributions, contributions of the Employment fund, transfers, state shares, paid claims, overall operating costs and investments returns. More detailed cash flow table of the Employees Pensions Act and Seafarer’s Pension Act (henceforth TyEL and MEL) schemes are shown.
Financial statements figures
The financial statements figures of the pension providers since 2007. Tables consist figures of earnings-related pension insurance, investment operations, paid claims, administrative expenses, technical
provisions and solvency.
Cost division figures
The tables consist figures of paid claims and technical provisions since 2007.
Time series
Statistical database contains time series since 1962 on paid claims, premium income, pension assets, wage sums and numbers of pension providers of the earnings-related pension scheme.
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