Social security agreements between countries regulate the right to social security of persons moving between countries, as well as the countries’ liability to implement that right.

The social security of persons moving between EU Member States is governed by Regulation 883/2004 and the implementing Regulation 987/2009. The objective of the agreements and the EU regulation is

  • to secure the continuity of social security for a person moving from one Member State to another, and
  • to prevent situations in which a person is covered by two social security systems and has to pay double social security contributions.

The former EU social security regulations (1408/71 and 574/72) continue to be applied to citizens from EEA countries, Switzerland and third countries. Finland has concluded bilateral social security agreements with

  • Australia,
  • Canada and Quebec,
  • Chile,
  • China,
  • India,
  • Israel,
  • South Korea, and
  • the United States of America.

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