Areas of research

  • Retirement on an old-age pension  
  • Retirement intentions  
  • Continued working  
  • Working lives  


My research deals with retirement, retirement intentions, continued working and working lives.  My recent projects have dealt with self-employed persons’ pension insurance, pensioners’ income and the effects of pension reforms.  In my work, I use individual-level register and questionnaire data. I am a Doctor of Economic Sciences (University of Jyväskylä), majoring in national economics. I have specialised in labour economics, regional economics and applicable micro econometrics. 

Ongoing research projects

  • Changes in retirement intentions in 2008 and 2018 
  • Impact of expected life expectancy on partial old-age pension retirement 
  • The effect of expected life-expectancy on retirement timing
  • Relabeling of relaxed disability pension and the risk of early retirement in Finland

Read more: Ongoing Research Projects.


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