Areas of research

  • Working lives and pensions
  • Pension systems and pension policies in international comparison
  • Comparative welfare state research


My research focuses on comparative analysis pension systems and policies. In particular, I am interested in how changes in working careers and labour markets affect pension adequacy. Furthermore, I am interested in gender equality, social policies over the life course and welfare state development in general. My academic background is in quantitative Political Science and Social Policy and I currently contribute to several international research networks and projects.

Ongoing research projects

  • Inequalities in Pensions and Retirement: Life-courses and Pension Systems in Comparative Perspective
  • Extending Working Lives – a Comparative Approach
  • Income, Pensions, Poverty and Experiences (IPPE)
  • Parenthood as Early Career Earnings Risk (PAECER)

Read more: Ongoing Research Projects.


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