Research seminar in May: German pension reforms in a changing society

The generous German pension reforms have raised extensive discussions about the sustainability of the country’s pension system. Researcher Dina Frommert from Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund explains the content of the recent reforms and the results of the life cycle research at our research seminar on 23 May.
In Germany, like in many other countries, working careers and family biographies are getting less standardized. How do changing careers, family patterns and migration challenge pension accumulation and old-age income security?
In the first part of this research seminar, Dina Frommert from Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund presents results from the recent German LeA-study on working lives, family patterns and pensions.
Financing of German pension reforms a topic for discussion
In the second part of the seminar, Frommert discusses recent and planned reforms of the German pension system.
In the ‘Pension Pact’, which came into force in January 2019, both the replacement and the contribution level of public pensions were stabilized for years to come, pension benefits for families with children were increased and disability pensions were improved. The pension contributions for low-income people were decreased. Introducing a scheme that provides a minimum pension and incorporates the self-employed in the compulsory pension insurance scheme are the next big reform issues.
The financing of the reforms and the sustainability of pensions have raised discussions in Germany.
The commentators at the seminar are Niku Määttänen (ETLA), Susan Kuivalainen (Finnish Centre for Pensions) and Antti Mielonen (Finnish Centre for Pensions).
Pension reforms, life courses and old-age income in Germany –seminar at the Finnish Centre for Pensions, Thursday 23 May 2019 at 13.00-16.00 (local time UTC+3), address: Kirjurinkatu 3, Itä-Pasila, Helsinki.
Register for the seminar in Webropol
The seminar is in English. It is also possible to participate via Skype.
More on the Lebensverläufe & Altersvorsorge (LeA) study (in German)
Photo: Gettyimages, ETK