List of topical issues

If you are a posted worker and living abroad, the Finnish Centre for Pensions urges you to apply for an extension to your A1 certificate if needed. If you have become unemployed, contact Kela.

The spreading corona virus affects Finnish citizens who have been posted abroad when countries close their borders. Employers cancel postings abroad and some of the workers are called back to Finland because of the virus.

If you are posted abroad, have an A1 certificate and are not able to return to Finland

There are a number of Finnish workers posted abroad who are unable to return to Finland for the time being due to the corona virus. Some of you have an A1 certificate which is about to expire.

If your posting abroad continues, and you will stay abroad for more than one month after your A1 certificate expires, you or your employer must apply for an extension to your A1 certificate from the Finnish Centre for Pensions. This applies if you work in an EU or an EEA country, Switzerland or a social security agreement country.

Since it is impossible to say how long the corona crisis will continue, the Finnish Centre for Pensions recommends that you apply for an extension for several months to be on the safe side.

If your work abroad lasts for less than one month after the expiration date of your A1 certificate, it is enough that you or your employer notify the Finnish Centre for Pensions of this. You do not have to apply for an extension for your A1 certificate if the posting continues for less than one month.

If you are on a short work trip and cannot return to Finland

A number of workers have originally gone abroad for a short work trip. They do not have an A1 certificate since it is not required for trips that last for less than one month.

If you are one of these workers and are unable to return to Finland, you now need an A1 certificate.

You or your employer must apply for an A1 certificate if your work is estimated to last for more than one month. Also in these situations we advise you to apply for a certificate for a sufficiently long period of time.

If you are posted abroad and become unemployed, contact Kela

If you are a posted worker and become unemployed and have to wait to get back to Finland, contact Kela.

Report changes to your work abroad in our eServices

You can report changes to your work abroad via our eServices.

When you submit your report in our eServices, Kela will automatically get the information, as well.


More information:

Finnish Centre for Pensions, Customer Services
phone +358 29 411 2110 (weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.).

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