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Finland will participate in the electronic exchange of social security information (EESSI) between EU countries in September, starting with information regarding posted workers. The new information system will speed up the sending of A1 certificates from one country to another. The introduction of the new technology may cause temporary delays in the handling of the applications.

The EU countries are transferring to an electronic exchange of information in the handling of social security benefits of persons who move between countries. That is why European social security institutions have implemented the Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information (EESSI) system. 

The system is introduced gradually in the different EU countries. Some countries started using the system already last year. In September this year, the system will be introduced for posted workers at the Finnish Centre for Pensions (ETK).

6,200 institutions and 32 countries gradually introduce the EESSI system 

The EESSI system will speed up the information flow between social security authorities and improve the execution of citizens’ social security rights. The electronic exchange of information also speeds up the handling process and payment of social security benefits. It also secures the a secure handling of the data. 

Around 6,200 institutions that execute social security in 32 countries will gradually implement the system, thus replacing the current paper exchange of information. In practice, the institutions have to maintain both the paper form and electronic system until all countries included in the system have implemented EESSI.  

Apply for A1 certificate in time 

Running two parallel systems and introducing EESSI may lead to a temporary pile up in the handling of applications for A1 certificates at the Finnish Centre for Pensions.  If you are going abroad to work, apply for the A1 certificate well ahead in time via the Customer Service of the Finnish Centre for Pensions.  

Photo: Gettyimages 

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