2018 Pro Gradu Award up for grabs

Each year, the Finnish Centre for Pensions grants a Pro Gradu Award of €2,000 to a quality Master’s thesis accepted at a Finnish university in the previous calendar year.
The award is granted to a quality thesis on a topic of interest to pension provision, accepted at a Finnish university in the previous calendar year.
Head of Department Susan Kuivalainen (Finnish Centre for Pensions) encourages university students to write about pensions.
“Pensions and related issued are not studied much at Finnish universities. Yet the topic has great social significance and can be studied within several disciplines and from very different angles. The topic can be approached by both sociologists, humanists and mathematicians.”
Applications for the 2018 Pro Gradu Award, including all attachments, should be submitted by e-mail to tutkimus(at)etk.fi by 15 March 2019. The winner will be announced in May 2019.
The 2017 Pro Gradu Award was awarded on 30 May 2018 to Piia Vehkoja (University of Helsinki, Department of Social Research). Vehkoja’s Master’s thesis reviewed the European Union’s policies and measures within the field of pension policy.
Photo: Katri Saarteinen