The length and timing of working life and the earnings received during that period in life affect the pension accumulation on an individual level. On a system level, working lives affect the financial sustainability of the pension system. The socio-political aims of extending working lives and raising the employment rate increase the need for research data on the subject.  

Under the research programme, we will do research on stages of and changes to working life that are significant from the point of view of pensions, and on the length of working life and income and related changes per population groups. A central subarea of our research is the labour market participation of the oldest working-age population. In addition, we focus on the early and mid-stages of working life and changes to and interruptions in working life. An increasing number of persons work in retirement. Under this research programme, we will therefore examine how common it is for people in Finland to work while drawing a pension and the underlying reasons for doing so.  

Family leave and pensions

The Finnish Centre for Pensions participates in the project Promoting gender equality in pensions, funded by the EU. The aim of the project is to compile and distribute information about gender pension gaps and the factors leading to it. Career breaks resulting from unequally divided family leaves are one of the factors leading to gender pension gap.

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