Areas of Research

  • Factors affecting retirement on a disability pension  
  • Changes in starting disability pensions, readiness to apply for a disability pension and share of rejections   
  • Follow-up of persons who have received a rehabilitation allowance, started vocational rehabilitation or received a rejection on their disability pension claim  


My research focuses on questions relating to retirement on a disability pension. I am particularly interested in factors that contribute to retirement on a disability pension and the changes in disability retirement over time. My recent studies have dealt with, among other things, risk factors relating to retirement on a disability pension, changes in starting rates and rejections of disability pensions and the link between corporate-specific factors and retirement on a disability pension and participation in vocational rehabilitation.  As a rule, my research is based on extensive register data and conducted in cooperation with, among others, researchers from Kela, the National Public Health Institute and different universities. 

Ongoing research projects

  • Retirement on a disability pension or returning to work after a cash rehabilitation benefit
  • Changes in work disability in the 2000s
  • Development of perceived work ability in different population groups

Read more: Ongoing Research Projects.


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