Heads of department

The activities of the Finnish Centre for Pensions are divided, by function, into the following departments: Research, Planning, Register Services, Supervisory, International Pension Matters, Legal Department, Communications, Information Management and Administration.

E-mail addresses: firstname.lastname@etk.fi. Download photographs from our Image Gallery.

Sari Alanko

Head of Department, Register Services

Phone 029 411 2641

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Susan Kuivalainen

Head of Department, Research

D.Soc.Sc., Docent

Phone +358 29 411 2184

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Outi Lehmus

Head of Department, Administration

Phone +358 29 411 2377

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Tuovi Rautjoki

Communications Director, Head of Department (Communications)


Phone +358 29 411 2270

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Ismo Risku

Head of Department, Planning

Phone +358 29 411 2566 / +358 50 527 9034

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Matti Ruotanen

Head of Department, Supervision

Phone +358 29 411 2349 / +358 50 566 4982

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Max Rönnberg

Head of Department, International Pension Matters

Phone +358 29 411 2651 / +358 50 345 5376

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Maijaliisa Takanen

Head of Department, Legal Department

Phone +358 29 411 2318 / +358 50 400 2115

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Erkki Tenkula

Head of Department, Information Management

Phone +358 29 411 2307 / +358 50 562 1320

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