Insurance While Working Abroad
Working abroad may affect which country’s social security a person is to be covered by. It affects to which country the statutory social insurance contributions (incl. the pension contributions) are to be paid to and which country pays out the benefits. Before going abroad to work, find out how your social security will be arranged in your country of work. If you are going to work in an EU/EEA country, Switzerland or a country with which Finland has a social security agreement, you can apply for a certificate from the Finnish Centre for Pensions and continue to be covered by Finnish social security.
Read more about the requirements for being covered by Finnish social security while being posted abroad. EU’s Regulation on social security and the bilateral social security agreements Finland has signed with certain countries determine which country’s social security you are covered by while working abroad.
Certificate for posted worker
Certificate A1 (for work in EU countries) issued free of charge by the Finnish Centre for Pensions attests which country’s social security you are covered by if you work abroad. If you do not apply for the certificate, or if it cannot be granted, you cannot be covered by Finnish social security. Apply for the certificate (or an exemption) via our eServices.
Arranging social security and paying contributions in Finland
In Finland, employers must take out social security insurance for their workers. This applies to both Finnish and foreign employers. Read the instructions and find the contact information needed to take out social security insurance.
Working abroad
As a rule, a person working abroad is covered by the social security of the country of work. A person posted to work abroad temporarily, either in the form of an employee, a self-employed person or a grant recipient, may be covered by Finnish social security throughout the period of work abroad.
For how long can I be a posted worker? Do I need an A1 certificate while telecommuting abroa? Read our replies to FAQs.
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