List of topical issues

The conference Pension Adequacy in Europe – Today and Tomorrow, arranged in Helsinki on Tuesday 17 September 2019, gathered European experts on pension adequacy. A video recording of the conference, the presenters’ slides and three interviews are now available on this website.

The conference at Musiikkitalo in Helsinki gathered around 150 experts on pensions and pension policy. The conference was also live streamed. The Finnish Centre for Pensions arranged this side-event of the Finnish EU presidency in cooperation with the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.

This is a recording of the entire conference.

Interviews with three of the keynote speakers, Katarina Ivanković Knežević (EC), Rudi Van Dam (EU SPC) and Rait Kuuse (EU SPC), also convey the atmosphere of and reflect the conducted discussions at the conference.

Van Dam explains to whom pensioners’ economic well-being should be compared and why.

Kuuse lists three main issues that should be solved in Europe regarding pension adequacy and explains what means are available to solve them.

Ivanković Knežević outlines what the Commission can do to promote more equal pensions.

The slides of all presenters have been published on the conference site.


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