Underinsurance still common among the self-employed

A recent study published by the Finnish Centre for Pensions reveals that the self-employed often both feel that they have and actually have underinsured themselves. The self-employed feel they cannot afford to pay higher contributions and many lack trust in the pension system.
Read more about the subjective perceptions of the self-employed regarding their level of pension insurance in the English Summary of the most recent issue of Työeläkelehti (3:2020), published on 1 June 2020. Read also about how the corona pandemic affects the earnings-related pension system, the excellent return on pension asset investments in 2019 and how, for the first time, mental disorders have become the leading cause for retirement on a disability pension in Finland.
Työeläkelehti is a free-of-charge magazine directed at earnings-related pension experts. It is published five times a year by the Finnish Centre for Pensions.