Jaakko Kiander and Tuovi Rautjoki new directors of the Finnish Centre for Pensions

Jaakko Kiander has been appointed Director of Research, Statistics and Planning at the Finnish Centre for Pensions. Tuovi Rautjoki has been appointed Director of Communications.
Jaakko Kiander (Dr.Pol.Sc.; Docent) (55), has been appointed Director of Research, Statistics and Planning and member of the Management Group at the Finnish Centre for Pensions. He is currently the Chief Communications Officer (CCO) at Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company. Previously, Kiander has held the positions of Chief Financial Officer (CFC) at Ilmarinen, Director of The Labour Institute for Economic Research as well as Research Professor and Research Director at VATT Institute for Economic Research.
Tuovi Rautjoki, (M.Soc.Sc.) (43), has been appointed Communications Director and member of the Management Group of the Finnish Centre for Pensions as of 12 August 2019. She is currently the Communications Director of the National Audit Office of Finland. Previously, Rautjoki has held the position of Communications Manager at, for example, the Finnish Forest Centre and Vahanen Group.
More information
Mikko Kautto, Managing Director, phone +358 29 411 2185