List of topical issues

The adequacy of pensions gains in importance for the economic well-being of an ever-growing share of ageing Europeans. One of the keynote speakers, Rudi Van Dam (Chair of ISG), points out that the social security indicators have to be improved and made more multi-dimensional. The job is not easy, because the indicators are a politically delicate subject.

Read more about Rudi Van Dam’s thoughts in the English Summary of the most recent issue of Työeläkelehti (3:2019), published on 3 June 2019. The English Summary also reports on how workforce mobility is a hot potato in France, have the number of posted workers in Europe is growing rapidly and how the assets of the Finnish earnings-related pension system were reduced in 2018 for the first time since the euro crisis in 2011.

Työeläkelehti is a free-of-charge magazine directed at earnings-related pension experts. It is published five times a year by the Finnish Centre for Pensions.

Read the English Summary


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