List of topical issues

Low birth rates pose a threat for the earnings-related pension system in Finland. This is evident in the recently published long-term projections of the Finnish Centre for Pensions. The full report will be published in English later this year.

Read more about how continued low birth rates would affect the pension contribution in the most recent English Summary (Työeläkelehti 2:2019,  published on 9 April). The English Summary also pays tribute to Jukka Rantala, retiring Managing Director of the Finnish Centre for Pensions, and his 40-year-long career in the insurance field. Read also about the work of insurance physicians, as well as what a ministerial working groups has suggested as a remedy to the underinsurance of the self-employed.

Työeläkelehti is a free-of-charge magazine directed at earnings-related pension experts. It is published five times a year by the Finnish Centre for Pensions.

Read the English Summary


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