Are you interrupting your posting abroad?

Please notify the Finnish Centre for Pensions if you are interrupting your work abroad.
If you have an A1 certificate that was granted by the Finnish Centre for Pensions and you interrupt your work abroad (due to, for example, the corona virus) and return to Finland, you must notify the Finnish Centre for Pensions of your return.
Notify of your return if you will stay in Finland for more than 30 days or if you will no longer return to your work abroad.
If your posting is interrupted for a shorter period than 30 days, you do not have to notify the Finnish Centre for Pensions of that. Your A1 certificate will stay valid despite a short interruption in your work abroad.
The easiest way to make the notification is to use the eServices of the Finnish Centre for Pensions. To do so, you need Finnish banking credentials, a certificate card or Mobile ID.
When the Finnish Centre for Pensions has received your notification of return, it ends the A1 certificate it has granted to you, effective as of the date on which you returned to Finland.
If your work continues after the interruption
If your work abroad continues after the interruption, you or your employer have to apply for a new A1 certificate from the Finnish Centre for Pensions (for workers or self-employed person).
If you work in several EU countries
The obligation to notify does not apply to you if you have received an A1 certificate because you work regularly in several different EU countries.
More information
Finnish Centre for Pensions, Customer Service
phone +358 29 411 2110 (weekdays 9 a.m.–4 p.m.)