1. Contact

1.1 Contact organisation

The Finnish Centre for Pensions

1.2 Contact organisation unit

Planning Department

1.3 Contact name
1.4 Contact person function
1.5 Contact mail address

The Finnish Centre for Pensions

1.6 Contact email address

Contact form

1.7 Contact phone number

+358 29 411 20

1.8 Contact fax number

Fax: +358 9 148 1172

2. Metadata update

2.1. Metadata last certified
2.2. Metadata last posted
2.3. Metadata last update

3. Statistical presentation

3.1. Data description
3.2. Classification system
3.3. Sector coverage
3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Concepts and definitions have been presented on the statistics page.

3.5. Statistical unit
3.6. Statistical population
3.7. Reference area
3.8. Time coverage

4. Unit of measure

5. Reference period

Calendar year

6. Institutional mandate

6.1. Legal acts and other agreements
6.2. Data sharing

7. Confidentiality

7.1. Confidentiality – policy

The Finnish Centre for Pensions is committed to data protection as a fundamental principle of statistics, which ensures the confidentiality of data.

7.2. Confidentiality – data treatment

Data is protected by the necessary physical and technical solutions at the various stages of processing. Personnel have access only to the data necessary for their work. Third parties do not have access to the premises where the data is processed. Employees are required to sign a confidentiality agreement when they are hired.

8. Release Policy

The statistics of the Finnish Centre for Pensions are released on weekdays at 9.00 a.m. on the website of the Finnish Centre for Pensions. Any exceptions to the release time are announced separately.

The data in the statistical database are released as open data. The database’s open interface can be freely used under the CC BY 4.0 licence, with the Finnich Centre for Pensions being cited as the source of the statistical data.

8.1. Release Calendar

The release dates of the statistics are published in the release calendar. The release calendar for the following year is published towards the end of the year.

8.2. Release calendar access

Release Calendar

8.3. User access

The statistics are available to everyone when they are published on the website of the Finnish Centre for Pensions at a previously announced date.

Embargo policy: Media that are bound by the journalist’s guidelines may request material from the Finnish Centre for Pensions’ Communications Department.

9. Frequency of dissemination

The statistics are published once a year.

10. Accessibility and clarity

10.1. News release
10.2. Publications
10.3. Online database

Statistical database of the Finnish Centre for Pensions
(laitetaan tähän tarkempi lyhytosoite jos on käytettävissä)

10.4. Microdata access

The Finnish Centre for Pensions’ registry data can be requested for scientific research use.

Pension register data and Earnings and Accrual Register data on employment covered by earnings-related pension insurance can be used for research purposes in accordance with the Publicity Act, Data Protection Act, and the Act on the Secondary Use of Health and Social Data (hereinafter Act on Secondary Use), even though individual-level data is confidential. The research must be individualized and scientific and based  on a research plan. Register data are not disclosed for commercial purposes.

Apply for research access to register data of the Finnish Centre for Pensions

10.5. Other
10.6. Documentation on methodology
10.7. Quality documentation

11. Quality Management

11.1. Quality assurance

The Finnish Centre for Pensions is committed to the quality principles of Official Statistics of Finland. Our statistical production follows the quality criteria of Official Statistics of Finland, which are compatible with the European Statistics Code of Practice.

11.2. Quality assessment

The quality of statistics is assessed at several stages in the statistical process.

12. Relevance

12.1. User needs

Feedback from users is gathered through customer surveys. Feedback is also collected through direct contact. The feedback received is monitored and taken into account in the development of the statistics.

12.2. User satisfaction
12.3. Data completeness

13. Accuracy and reliability

13.1. Overall accuracy
13.2. Sampling error
13.3. Non-sampling error
13.3.1. Coverage error
13.3.2. Measurement error
13.3.3. Non-Response Error
13.3.4. Processing error
13.3.5. Model assumption error

14. Timeliness and punctuality

14.1. Timeliness
14.2. Punctuality

15. Coherence and comparability

15.1. Comparability – geographical
15.2. Comparability – over time
15.3. Coherence – cross domain
15.3.1. Coherence – sub annual and annual statistics
15.3.2. Coherence with National Accounts
15.4. Coherence – internal

16. Cost and burden

The production of the statistics is financed annually by the Finnish Centre for Pensions.

17. Data Revision

18. Statistical processing

18.1. Source data
18.2. Frequency of data collection
18.3. Data collection
18.4. Data validation
18.5. Data compilation

Adjustments are made at different stages of statistical production in accordance with the production processes of the Finnish Centre for Pensions. In addition, the results are compared with changes in legislation and with data from previous statistical years.

18.6. Adjustment

19. Comment

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