Areas of research

  • Social inequalities in work and retirement
  • Careers and labour market mobility across the life course
  • Political economy of labour market and pension reforms


My research focuses on the ways people transition from work to retirement. I am mainly interested in the role of individual characteristics and different life courses on the one hand, and the role of labour-market structures and policy context on the other. Apart from studying the Finnish situation, I am keen on doing comparative research. My academic background is in quantitative Sociology and Social Policy. I am particularly interested in using advanced and innovative methods to analyse longitudinal register and survey data.

Ongoing research projects

  • Fragmented work careers?
  • Health shocks, couples’ adjustment in the labour market and cumulative (dis)advantage
  • Income, Pensions, Poverty and Experiences (IPPE)
  • [Työnantajien näkemykset nousevasta vanhuuseläkeiästä ja ikääntyvästä henkilöstöstä]

Read more: Ongoing Research Projects.


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