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Retirees in rural areas have a lower income than those in urban areas, but the life satisfaction of both is at an equal level (7/10). Among other things, homeownership increases life satisfaction among rural retirees. This is evident in a recent study made by the Finnish Centre for Pensions that measured also the perceived economic well-being of Finnish retirees.

Read more about the study in the English Summary of Työeläke (4:2019), published on 30 August 2019. The English Summary also includes the thoughts of Mikko Kautto, the new managing director of the Finnish Centre for Pensions, and Tiina Forss, a law-student who looked at her own pension record for the first time. A brief summary of the contributions of two keynote speakers at the international conference on pension adequacy arranged in Helsinki in September, Ka­ta­ri­na Ivan­ko­vić Knežević (EC) and Rait Kuuse (SPC), is also included in the Summary (go to page 6 of the digital magazine for photographs from the conference).

Työeläke is a free-of-charge magazine directed at earnings-related pension experts. It is published five times a year by the Finnish Centre for Pensions.

Read the digital English Summary

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