List of topical issues
Asiakaspalvelija puhelimessa

Many of your questions can be solved easily and smoothly online. Our Customer Service serves you online through several different channels.

You can get a quick answer to general questions via our chat service. In private matters, contact us via Messages. If you want to know the status of your issues that we are already processing, contact us via our eServices.

We recommend that our private customers contact us via Messages since it offers the highest level of privacy protection. We cannot give out confidential information with private customers via regular e-mail.

You can also contact us by phone or visit us at our Customer Service desk in Itä-Pasila, Helsinki.

Our Customer Service Desk serves by appointment only. That is why you need to book a time in advance if you need to visit our Customer Service Desk in person.

Following the processing of your case in our eServices

Through our eServices, you can follow the processing of your case at the Finnish Centre for Pensions.

In our eServices, you can see which pension provider you are insured with and what services the Finnish Centre for Pensions has to offer.

You can also check the status of your application for a pension from abroad and your application for an A1 certificate for working abroad. If our Supervisory Department is handling your case, you can see its status via our eServices, as well.

With an electronic proxy, you can also handle the case of another individual or a company.

Private information via Messages

Our eServices includes a link to the Messages services. The Messages service is a data security communication channel to our online services.

Use it to send us messages and attachments that include personal information. Via Messages, we can also reply to you in such matters.

Check out our customer service channels:

(Photo: Karoliina Paatos)

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