Areas of research

  • Understanding pensions and pension knowledge 
  • Citizens’ perceptions of and trust in pensions 
  • Insuring self-employed persons


In my research, I examine pension system phenomena both from an individual point of view and, more widely, in terms of their effects reflected on the pension system.  Recently, I have researched the significance of knowledge and skills underlying the trust in pension decisions, the effects of the incentives and the entire pension system. I have studied economics and public finances, in which I have a Ph.D. from the University of Tampere (2007).  

Ongoing research projects

  • Views on pensions
  • Investment operations in the Finnish earnings-related pension system 
  • Pension Barometer
  • Pension knowledge and confidence in the pension system
  • Self-employment, income and pension insurance of the self-employed

Read more: Ongoing Research Projects.


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